Our Firms
Top-Tier Firms with Local Expertise
To identify lawyers to provide quality pro bono legal services to social entrepreneurs, the Lex Mundi Pro Bono Foundation calls upon the members of Lex Mundi, the world’s leading network of independent law firms.
We channel the expertise of Lex Mundi member firms to provide free transactional legal services to qualified social ventures. Lex Mundi membership consists of more than 150 top-tier firms, representing more than 22,000 lawyers located in 120+ countries around the world. Each is a leading, full-service commercial law firm that provides high quality legal representation and in-depth local market knowledge.
In addition to their many accolades, Lex Mundi member firms go above and beyond to give back to their communities. Many maintain well-established pro bono practices and several have received recognition for their outstanding pro bono accomplishments. When social entrepreneurs work with a Lex Mundi attorney through the Foundation, they can be assured that they are receiving the highest degree of professionalism, expertise, and care. See a list of our firms here.