Consultation on Patent Enforcement
Assist a nonprofit providing a free digital learning platform to incarcerated individuals by providing a consultation on patent enforcement.
Referred by:
- Anonymous Collaborator
Edovo has a patent for their “learn to earn” method for educational programming. Learners can earn points for time spent on free, substantive, programming that can be spent on other forms of entertainment. The Edovo team has become aware of organizations that are violating this patent. Some are bad actors that do not actually provide quality educational content. The Edovo team is now seeking a comprehensive consultation with an IP attorney to discuss: (i) a strategy for exerting rights to their patent; (ii) whether it makes sense to pursue enforcement at this time; and (iii) best next steps. They do not want to engage in any patent litigation. However, they would like limit violations and exert some pressure on the market to increase access to quality educational materials.