Riffle Ventures
Establish 501(c)(3)
Assist an organization enhancing economic and community resilience to climate change by establishing a 501(c)(3).
Referred by:
Jurisdictions: U.S.
About the Organization: Riffle Ventures’ mission is to enhance economic and community resilience to climate change. They are building a community platform and eco-system of overlooked diverse founders of innovative organizations; developing and sharing content and resources with this community; and providing technical support and training to the community.
Legal Entity Type: For-profit
SDG(s):Affordable and Clean Energy, Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Action, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Gender Equality, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Life Below Water (conservation and sustainability), Life on Land (sustainability of ecosystems), Partnerships to achieve the Goals, Reduced Inequalities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Sustainable Cities and Communities
Legal Issue(s):
The Riffle Ventures team has already established a for-profit entity for their work. They are now seeking assistance establishing a new 501(c)(3) (both incorporating and filing for 501(c)(3) status). This non-profit will operate at arms-length from their existing for-profit entity. The Riffle Ventures team is open to where this non-profit is established. But the organization’s founders are located in DC, NJ, and CA.